Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Love Storey: Rice & Foil.

I look at you I see joy
I look at you I see happiness 
Your beautiful eyes make me stagger
I fall into your ocean of love
I get wet
I drown
I don't die 
Your shiny face gives me life
Your chubby cheeks make me smile 
Your dimples...
Oh damn it you don't have dimples you moron! 

Sam Poet

Monday, July 1, 2019

Bob Collymore is dead

Kenya and the telecommunications industry has lost one of its best. In a facebook post this morning, State House broke the sad news that Safaricom's Bob Collymore is no more after a long and strong battle with cancer.

The post reads;

"It is with deep sadness that I have this morning received news of the death of Safaricom CEO Mr Bob Collymore after years of battling cancer. As a country, we've lost a distinguished corporate leader whose contribution to our national wellbeing will be missed." ~ President Uhuru Kenyatta

Friday, June 28, 2019

The Rooney factor & more in Kenya vs Tanzania

Kenyan striker Michael Olunga (Courtesy of YouTube) 

Just before the KENTAN match started, I posted a video of England's Wayne Rooney's popular long shot goal predicting that a similar goal was definitely going to feature. Well, minutes into the game, it wasn't a replica of Rooney's long shot goal that was scored but history still repeated itselefu through Olunga's bicycle kick. Bottom line? My prediction wasn't too far from reality. Perhaps I'm your African Cup octopus after all.

How the rain started beating us

In my observation, the main cause of the first unexpected goal is the very fact that it was unexpected. Team Kenya went in all puffed up knowing that they were playing against a weaker team and there was no way they were going home without thrashing them. Unfortunately for ke, bongo fellas didn't come to play but to pounce on every slight opportunity to score! It's my general assumption that they knew too well the general perception of kenyan fans and even more importantly the attitude of the players. And just like that the football game turned into a mind game as TZ twisted the plot and stung when we least anticipated. If your phone has ever been snatched you understand this feeling.  The principle that the Taifa Stars were riding on is; when you play against a truly or purported stronger team, make the greatest attempt to score in the starting minutes when their guard is low. Defend hard and counter attack sharp and fast!

Much needed win

Considering the current diplomatic wrangles brought about by our hit making legislator, I wouldn't say it was a deserved victory for Kenya, rather a needed one. We also need a new entrant into the prime international football scene and grow past the Wanyamas and Marigas.
Fast forward to a few weeks or months later, Olunga will probably be playing in the premier league or serie a or la liga coupled by several endorsement deals. Not to mean that other leagues don't matter as much but the above mentioned put a player on the spotlight which is what I would wish for Olunga. When all is said and done, the most important thing is to accept the results and move on with life. I am happy to note that this is the thinking that Taifa Stars and their fans appear to generally share. Congratulations to Harambee Stars!

Monday, September 18, 2017

Dating Tips

I've been reading 'Waiting and Dating' by Myles Munroe and here are a few lessons/highlights from the second chapter which is titled 'Friendship Building: The Purpose of Dating'.


Building a best-friend status is the primary purpose of dating.


Friendship as a foundation guarantees success in any long-term relationship as opposed to any need or incompleteness.


The nature and purpose of friendship is to build character.


None of our encounters are accidental.


Praying for a friend is the most important thing you can do for them


The presence/absence of commitment is the main way to distinguish between levels of friendship.


Shared sorrow is halved while shared joy is doubled.


Being meek has a lot to do with having strength under control.


True friendship, like true love, always focuses on the other instead of self.


Help your friend identify and overcome hindrances to the achievement of their goals.

In conclusion...

As you can tell, having a good relationship does not start with having a good partner but a good friend. So be friends first and build up over time. All the best! :)

Friday, March 31, 2017

Why You Shouldn't Care About Joho's Grade

Folks are cyber bullying the President of Kenya and the Governor of Mombasa over school papers. I know for some it's such a fun moment and this is the moment they've been waiting for and there's really no big deal about it. No comment on that. I'll just say what I think about the whole issue not because spending time and energy that would have been used to perform more meaningful tasks to mock a President and a Governor is a classic case of misplaced priorities, lack of wisdom or both, but simply because I come from a different school of thought. I'm no better than you but I could be a little bit more bitter than you.

If you're like me, a quick analysis of the political scene in Kenya will lead you to comfortably conclude that, quite frankly, it is a political sin. The terms politics, political governance, political leader or leadership are originally used to describe the systems, men and women who are rich in wisdom, selfless and sacrificially serve the public while upholding national values with integrity, honesty, accountability and so on as their backbone. In Kenya, most political aspirants are usually successful people who supposedly seek to harvest from their 'hard work' or position themselves at a place where the government will give back to them. It's a moment of rest, the pinnacle of success, ultimate goal in the quest for self actualization. So hey, certificate or not, truth is these men were doing fine before they got to into politics. Maybe you should get to the level they were before they became democratically elected leaders then you can go on trolling.

Saturday, February 4, 2017

Luhya Spokesman Dream

It all happened when I was watching the evening news. Out of the blue, my 'chicken friends' were planning to make a big announcement. This was pretty new, interesting and fishy at the same time. You see, I've heard of a Village Elder, an Area Chief, a National Assembly mheshimiwa (Parliamentarian) who is sometimes mockingly referred to as a 'pig', a County Assembly mheshimiwa (Member of County Assembly) who is occasionally given the title 'panya' (rat). Speaking of 'panya', how about 'kung fu panya'?... Hehehe, okay. I've even heard of gods who must be crazy! But spokesman? Never ever. 

Mixed feelings 

One side of me felt that it was a great idea for such a time as this as the sentiments of the not-so-outspoken and less fortunate will finally be aired out by this outspoken, compassionate, caring and more fortunate fellow blablabla... They'd have an advocate, a voice, an authority - in this man. Behold, the community is not divided after all. They have a common purpose and they got their backs. They speak one language, move in one direction, have one of their own they can take pride in.

The other side of me felt that this was a retrogressive idea that will direct us to tribal thinking and give us the 'my tribe is better than yours, so what' mentality. I was afraid that the spokesman would dictate or control the power that lies within the people. My worry was that the luhya people would enslave themselves in the mob-psychology-like, self-seeking, egocentric rationale that 'we will vote for candidate x because that's who, we, as members of this community, have decided to vote for! And there's nothing you can do about it!' 'We have a luhya Spokesman, but is there loo ya spokesman?' I thought. Moving on, I was concerned that whoever was behind this idea may have had the intention of 'unifying' or 'classifying' 'the luhya vote' and sell it to tribal-minded presidential candidates. My point is, I personally don't mind if all communities have spokespeople so long as the members of that community understand that their spokesman needs not dictate the political direction they wish to take. Every luhya (read Kenyan) has an individual right, as a Kenyan citizen, to vote for whoever they like. And they will live happily ever after. 

Credits: Photo by Isaac Waale of Nation Media Group

Friday, July 17, 2015

Broken English - Five words we easily mispronounce or misuse

Words can't come back once they leave through our mouths. It's impossible. They have the ability to inspire or demotivate, strengthen or weaken, breathe life or drain life out of a person. For this reason, it would only be fair to show a little bit of respect in our dealings with words by using and pronouncing them the correct way. I found some words/expressions that have fallen victim of our unending disregard of their worth.

welcome v/s welcomed

Let it be known today that we don't say 'You are welcomed' but 'You are welcome'. The word 'welcome' is an adjective without the suffix -ed. The moment it reads 'welcomed' it's a verb.

You are welcome.
We welcomed the guests into the house.


Most people put a 'z' sound immediately after the 'de...' to make it sound 'diZHishon'
/dɪˈsɪʒn/ is the correct pronunciation. 


This is a big one usually in writing. People put advise in the place of advice for the simple reason that they cannot tell which between the two is the verb or the noun. Just know that the one with an 'S' is a verb and you're good to go.


Sorry guys, I know /chuda/ has been with us for a long time. We've grown up hearing people call it that way but the dictionaries differ.

Correct pronunciation is /too-der/ or /tyoo-der/ 


This is a really big one. I feel like fainting each time I hear someone use this word as a verb. We don't 'catwalk' we simply walk on the catwalk/runway. 

That's all for today.