Saturday, March 23, 2013

Au revoir Achebe
Albert Chinualumogu Achebe
Something about greatness
When you're destined for greatness, you can hardly stick to one place in your lifetime. You may be born in Nigeria but your books will be read by thousands in Kenya as set books and you'll lecture in the US. This man Chinua Achebe. Quite a lot can be said about him.
Last night, I couldn't help but succumb to the overwhelming pressure to pen something in appreciation to this great figure in the world of literature. You know when you just can't stop thinking about something because ideas keep streaming and the solution is to write a few hundreds of words. And so in the process I got to notice something about man Chinua hence this entry.

He curved a niche for himself no doubt

Every outstanding person on this planet performs excellently in all if not almost everything that they do. But there's that niche that one curves for themselves as time goes by. For Achebe, it's writing. He most likely had a good command of the English language but we've all lived to define him as an iconic contributor to African literature through the art of writing. Not the legendary orator of all time.

It's amazing as I was watching the news of his passing on TV, I was in high anticipation of a video clip showing this great man speak. But no, all I saw was images. Images here black and white photos there. Just when I was on the verge of losing my patience, something close to an audio-visual clip was on the screen- a Chinua Achebe quote! Haha! Actually, a piece of advice that the late had WRITTEN.

Bottom line

When it's all said and done, keep on exploring everything and anything that you think is ability in you. Someone once said that the graveyard is the wealthiest place on earth because people live wasted lives by not exploiting their abilities. I don't think this applies for Chinua because he's lived a life of authentic expression of his inner rich self unlike millions upon millions on this same earth. You might be looking for wealth only to find out too late that you were holding it inside of you. So while you're busy trying to be a jack of all trades, keep in mind that there could actually be one trade that can make you stand out. It will define you. It will tell us who you are and, some bit of exaggeration just to drive a point home, it will be your second name. Just like Chinua, even if you kick the bucket, this trade will make you trend.

To finish, I leave you with one of Chinua's quotes;

"If you don't like someone's story, write your own!"

Friday, March 22, 2013

The Destitute

The Destitute

The destitute have nothing to keep for a rainy day,
Because everyday is a rainy day.
Hope is replaced by hopelessness,
and happiness by sadness.
Grief is the thought on their minds and the feeling in their hearts.

They know things could have been better,
 If only they would have made better choices,
but it’s too late, or is it?
They understand how hard it is to make a good choice.

Don’t speak to them about insurance because that’s a waste of money,
 It’s a demonstration of insecurity as opposed to security.
What are they to insure if they have nothing to secure in the first place?
They’re not assured of anything.

They just wish they could die and not live anymore,
Maybe that way they would not go through the turmoil and distress that befalls them at present,
Maybe by being inexistent, they wouldn’t know about problems or empty dreams or going to bed on a hungry stomach.
I bet they wish they couldn’t live at all.
What does life mean when you have nothing to show?

They wish they could start life all over again,
But again this comes with a question; if they could turn back the hands of time, would they make better choices or would they just make different mistakes?

Of course it doesn’t make sense to whine about the past when you’re doing nothing to avoid yesterday’s bad choices,
To the hopeless, however, what happened yesterday, the conditions they live in today, and what they can hope for tomorrow amounts to nothing.
These are the destitute, are you one of them?


                                                                               the crying stone…