Below are 10 quotes from some people I follow on twitter. Check them out!
- Maturity is the ability to reap without apology and not complain when things don't go well. ~ Jim Rohn
- Haters don't really hate you. They hate themselves because you are reflection of what they wish to be. Poor, confused ppl. - ajamagra fred
@mr_leadership - a good example is twice the value of a good advice. - ajamagra fred
@mr_leadership - No God, No Peace... Know God, Know Peace. - MicahStampley
@MicahStampley - For as long as you stay hopeful, keep smiling and trusting God patiently, the devil won't hold what God has in store for you. - Joyce Meyer
- Don't get burned twice by the same flame. - Bill Gates
- There is no right way to do something wrong. - M.Jed
@_jedm - There is free cheese only in a mouse trap.- Petteri Tarkkonen
@ptarkkonen - It's so amazing that the things we spend a lifetime chasing after really don't matter much in the end. - Gibson Anduvate
@anduvate - If your relationship has more issues than your need to cancel your subscription. - ajamagra fred