Folks are cyber bullying the President of Kenya and the Governor of Mombasa over school papers. I know for some it's such a fun moment and this is the moment they've been waiting for and there's really no big deal about it. No comment on that. I'll just say what I think about the whole issue not because spending time and energy that would have been used to perform more meaningful tasks to mock a President and a Governor is a classic case of misplaced priorities, lack of wisdom or both, but simply because I come from a different school of thought. I'm no better than you but I could be a little bit more bitter than you.
If you're like me, a quick analysis of the political scene in Kenya will lead you to comfortably conclude that, quite frankly, it is a political sin. The terms politics, political governance, political leader or leadership are originally used to describe the systems, men and women who are rich in wisdom, selfless and sacrificially serve the public while upholding national values with integrity, honesty, accountability and so on as their backbone. In Kenya, most political aspirants are usually successful people who supposedly seek to harvest from their 'hard work' or position themselves at a place where the government will give back to them. It's a moment of rest, the pinnacle of success, ultimate goal in the quest for self actualization. So hey, certificate or not, truth is these men were doing fine before they got to into politics. Maybe you should get to the level they were before they became democratically elected leaders then you can go on trolling.